Episode 274: The Mailbag Episode (#13)

This week Jaquelle and Sean continue their final series of episodes (a 3-part Mailbag, answering last listener questions). In this second episode, they tackle everything from how to pick a college to how Mr. Baby is doing. They also talk about bubble tea, sushi, and Sean babysitting Jaquelle’s daughters.

Episode Highlights

07:52: Opening up the mailbag

08:26: Can we get one last update on Mr. Baby?

10:54: What’s your advice on picking a college?

13:49: What equipment do you use for the podcast?

19:50: What do we do with the references in Jude to extrabiblical literature?

22:52: What is the best fish dish?

25:47: How are Jaquelle’s daughters doing?

27:31: Where do you see the youth in the Canadian/American church headed? Are you worried?

33:02: How has this show changed/growned you?

Recommended Resources

Episode 91: The College Episode

Episode 164: The Decision-Making Episode

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Microphone desk stands


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