Episode 204: The Singing Episode
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about how important singing in church is. They also talk about Jaquelle getting in
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about how important singing in church is. They also talk about Jaquelle getting in
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about the blessing of giving… and why it’s so important for young Christians to
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about how to plan and think about a worship service. They also talk about
This week, Jaquelle and Sean talk about the Lord’s table (aka communion/Lord’s supper/Eucharist). They also talk about Jaquelle’s recent trip
This week Jaquelle and Sean talk about VBS (Vacation Bible School) and some of the blessings and challenges of it.
This week, Sean does an episode without Jaquelle! Sean hijacks the mic to talk about what pastors do and how
In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about youth pastors — their role and responsibility and how youth should treat
In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about you should prepare to listen to a sermon — and how you
In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about the local church and why teenagers need it. They also talk about