In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about Heaven. They also talk about abandoned stuffed animals, their missing exercise ball, and washing cars.
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In this episode, Jaquelle and Sean talk about Heaven. They also talk about abandoned stuffed animals, their missing exercise ball, and washing cars.
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11 thoughts on “Episode 31: The Heaven Episode”
Me: *checks website, finds no new episode*
Me: *checks website 3 minutes later, finds new episode*
Me: *celebrates*
Yeah, that was my fault. I scheduled the episode last night…but I accidentally scheduled it for tomorrow. *facepalm* It’s been a long week. =P
Oh, no bother! I was just excited to see the new episode! 😉 And it was such a great episode! So encouraging and exciting to remind ourselves about the amazing future of Heaven. You actually have inspired me to pick up ‘Heaven’ again. I’ve been reading it slowly for the last couple months, but I really do need to dive back into it again!
Wow. I am slightly creeped out by the coincidence of this episode being posted this week. Must be a God thing 😛 Me and my family were just talking about this last Wednesday!!! Y’all addressed the main things me and my sister were asking my Dad about. It’s so convenient having a Pastor for a Dad, isn’t it Jaquelle?
Okay, one question though, last week an older gentleman at my church was telling me that in heaven we’re all going to be vegetarians. *Cough* I wanted to ask him for chapter and verse, but I was having a really hard time not laughing at the time and I didn’t want to be disrespectful. Why do you think he would assume that? and is that a Biblical speculation?
Great episode guys! I enjoyed it thoroughly 🙂
-a loyal listener
My suspicion is that he said that for one of two reasons, Haven (though I cannot be sure of course). The first reason I think someone would say that is because they believe that vegetarianism is biblical. Clearly you know my position on that 🙂 The second reason, and probably the more likely reason, is because of Revelation 21:4 which says there will be no death, which he would then apply to animals as well as humans. Not sure what to think about that, but am holding out that if that is a correct understanding of Revelation 21:4 that there will be bacon trees in heaven 🙂
You guys kept me awake when I was driving LATE last night (or was it early in the morning??) on a road trip my brother and I are on.
The enthusiasm you both showed for heaven was really encouraging. ??
You guys talked about how the terrible things that go on in this world will no longer be around. You also probably talked about this indirectly, but about the best things of life such as being apart of a church of fellow believers, knowing Christ, and all the other things that are marred by our sin will be perfected in heaven. It’s going to be beautiful and awesome!
Sometimes we get way too fixated on this life and all the sin and sorrow that goes on that we don’t look to the finish line like Paul did:
But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, …
that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
That was really long. ? Actually the whole of Philippians 3 is really good on looking forward to the heavenly hope.
You guys really need to stop recommending books! I’m already overrun with too many books! But actually, thanks for recommending great ones. I’ll eventually read them. ?
Thanks for a stimulating podcast! Pushed me to God’s word to read about heaven. Thank you.
This might have been really incoherent, but I was exhausted when I wrote it haha.
Hey Seth. Thanks for your comment and your encouraging words. Glad you enjoyed the episode. We really couldn’t receive a better compliment than to hear that it pushed you into God’s Word. #missionaccomplished
If I heard this podcast only 3 months ago, I would’ve disagreed with the points about a new heaven and new earth. I was taught that a new heaven and new earth was figurative; the earth would forever be destroyed and we would live in a disembodied state in heaven.
On a recent trip, a missionary friend and I had an intense conversation about the topic. Since returning home, I’ve had to rethink my beliefs on heaven. For example, passages like this:
Genesis 1:1 — “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” I
Revelations 21:1 — In the end, God creates a new heaven and a new earth.
It’s like the entire Bible is a chiasm with Jesus at the center of it all. It blew my mind.
As I was studying the topic, I discovered a talk called “C.S. Lewis on Heaven and the New Earth” ( At the end, he referred to the closing scenes in The Last Battle. I won’t put all the incredible quotes from the book here, but the speaker made this point:
“Yes, the old Narnia was destroyed, but this is the resurrected Narnia. Likewise people say, “But 2 Peter 3:10–12 says the earth will be destroyed.” Of course. Death always precedes resurrection. “The new earth” doesn’t mean earth doesn’t die but rather that after dying it is raised. It may seem impossible to us, but it’s simple to God.”
Here’s my question: is the above quote (and C.S. Lewis’ Narnia) a correct lens to view the new heaven and new earth?
Thanks for this episode! It really helped me process a lot of these things I’ve been thinking about.
Hey Samuel. Thanks for listening to the podcast and thanks for your question. Yes, I think the quote you shared is a helpful way to look at the new heaven and earth. I think the point is that this earth will die and God will bring it back to life and make it (this present earth) into the new earth–resurrected, restored, recreated, and renewed. This, I think, maintains both the discontinuity and continuity between the old earth and the new earth. Thanks for your comment.
Just wanted to say that I really appreciated this podcast! Definitely aroused my curiosity to study more into what the Bible says about Heaven and our eternity with Him.